Basic concepts of online poker

Game positions
Let's begin with necessary definitions. We shall consider a standard table on 10 person and positions existing on it:
1 Small Blind (SB) - the player operates penultimate on preflop and the first in other roundes.
2 Big Blind (BB) - the player operates with the last on preflop and the second in other roundes. Also the bit which the player should put automatically on preflop (it is equal to the minimal bet on flop and half to bet on turn and river) also refers to.
3 Early Position (EP) - about the third player also speak, that he is « under a gun » he makes the first bet on preflop.
4,5 Early Position (EP) - sometimes number them as EP2, EP3.
6, 7, 8 Middle Position (MP) - also are sometimes numbered as MP1, MP2, MP3.
9 Late Position (LP) - also is known as cutoff, the player operates penultimate.
10 Late Position (LP) - also is known as button or dealer, the player operates penultimate.
Much depends on a position of the player very much, starting from what cards should be played on preflop before strategy of game at following stages. Late positions are considered as the best, in fact the player makes the rate, already knowing bets of opponents, he can estimate force of their hands approximately.
The main concept with which each player in poker should acquire well - Odds (chances). This concept occurs from the theory of probability and shows, what probability of that to the player demanded cards will come (or not come).
Let's determine one more concept - Pot Odds (chances of bank). Pot Odds it is defined as the attitude of the bet which the player should make to size of bank. If to Turn in bank $8, and before the player have staked $2 in bank is $10, and the player should put $2, that is chances of bank 2:10 or 1:5. From here we receive our final formula: the player should put, if his chances above, than chances of bank.
So, before making any bet, the player should estimate the current combination, to estimate chances of its improvement up to advantageous, to calculate chances of bank and after comparison to do/not to do the bet. For simplification of calculations I shall result the table of chances for different quantity of the ends on Flop and Turn (on Flop - we'll play up to the end we'll receive two cards, on Turn - we'll receive only one card):
Amount of ends |
Chances on Flop |
Chances on Turn |
20 |
1:0,5 |
1:1,3 |
19 |
1:0,5 |
1:1,5 |
18 |
1:0,6 |
1:1,6 |
17 |
1:0,7 |
1:1,8 |
16 |
1:0,8 |
1:1,9 |
15 (Flush with two overcards) |
1:0,8 |
1:2,1 |
14 |
1:1 |
1:2,4 |
13 |
1:1,1 |
1:2,6 |
12 (Flush and overcard) |
1:1,2 |
1:3 |
11 |
1:1,4 |
1:3,3 |
10 |
1:1,6 |
1:3,7 |
9 (Flush) |
1:1,9 |
1:4 |
8 (double side straight) |
1:2,2 |
1:5 |
7 |
1:2,6 |
1:6 |
6 (two overcards) |
1:3 |
1:7 |
5 |
1:4 |
1:8 |
4 (holey straight) |
1:5 |
1:11 |
3 (senior card) |
1:7 |
1:15 |
2 (pocket pair) |
1:11 |
1:23 |
1 |
1:23 |
1:46 |
Classification of players
Now the basic two-componental classification of players was produced:
- By amount of played distributions players share on loose and tight. The first play many hands, the second play only good cards. Loose players can answer up to river with younger pair or holey straight, tight player can throw off the senior pair if around becomes hot.
- On aggression of game players share on aggressive and passive. The first actively put and lift, often bluff, the second usually only equalize bets and lift only with excellent cards.
Against loose players it is possible to play a lot of hands, to put and lift, if to you have come good cards. The bluff often does not give effect, also it is necessary to be afraid any absolutely foolish straight, when at the opponent on hands 3,6.